Become a Member of SPR

Membership Benefits
  • Online subscription to Pediatric Radiology 
  • Monthly (as available), online, journal-based CME at no additional charge
  • Access to the online Membership Directory
  • Access to the Member Community, XChange
  • Member registration fees for the SPR Annual Meeting, Courses, and On-Demand Activities
  • Email newsletters and messages with deadline reminders and timely notices about issues of importance
Guidelines for Expert Testimony in Pediatric Radiology
Member Input

Let your voice be heard.

Click here to learn about the nomination process for the SPR Honorees, SPR Nominating and Ethics Committees, Board Slate, and SCORCH Scholarship.

To learn more about ESPR membership, which is separate from the SPR, click here.

To become a member, select your membership type below, and click the Join button. Please contact us with any questions.


Active Members are credentialed physicians with a significant interest in pediatric radiology. Credentialed is defined as are Diplomats of the American Board of Radiology, the American Board of Nuclear Medicine, or other appropriate specialty Boards acceptable to the Board of Directors, or who are certified in Radiology by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, or who have equivalent qualification, including foreign, as determined by the Board of Directors. In addition, the physician must have completed a minimum of one year of training in pediatric radiology above and beyond that required by ordinary Board Examination in Radiology or other acceptable boards or demonstrated competence and practice time in pediatric radiology considered by the Board of Directors to be equivalent to such additional training. 

Annual Membership Fee: $495

Term: January 1 - December 31

Join as Active


Pediatric radiologists who reside outside of North America, who otherwise qualify for Active Membership but do not wish the SPR to be their primary pediatric radiology organization because they are already full members of a comparable national or international pediatric radiology society.

Annual Membership Fee: $25

Term: January 1 - December 31

Join as Corresponding


Allied health professionals who work in professions aligned with radiology: i.e., physicists, nurses, imaging technologists, radiology assistants, physician assistants, and nonā€radiologist physicians who work in professions aligned with pediatric radiology.

Annual Membership Fee: $75

Term: January 1 - December 31

Join as Allied


Members-in-Training are medical students, residents, and pediatric radiology fellows who have applied for membership. Member-in-Training membership is effective immediately upon receipt of a complete application form indicating eligibility for membership in training status.  

Postdoctoral Research Fellows may also apply for one year of Fellow membership in the Society.  Thereafter, the next applicable (e.g., Allied Membership) category shall be assigned.

Annual Membership Fee: Complimentary

Term: July 1 of the Current Year - June 30 of the Following Year

Join as Fellow

Resident-in-Training (Year 4)

Members-in-Training are medical students, residents, and pediatric radiology fellows who have applied for membership. Member-in-Training membership is effective immediately upon receipt of a complete application form indicating eligibility for membership in training status.

Annual Membership Fee: Complimentary

Term: July 1 of the Current Year - June 30 of the Following Year

Join as Resident-in-Training (Year 4)

Resident-in-Training (Year 3)

Members-in-Training are medical students, residents, and pediatric radiology fellows who have applied for membership. Member-in-Training membership is effective immediately upon receipt of a complete application form indicating eligibility for membership in training status.

Annual Membership Fee: Complimentary

Term: July 1 of the Current Year - June 30 of the Following Year

Join as Resident-in-Training (Year 3)

Resident-in-Training (Year 2)

Members-in-Training are medical students, residents, and pediatric radiology fellows who have applied for membership. Member-in-Training membership is effective immediately upon receipt of a complete application form indicating eligibility for membership in training status.

Annual Membership Fee: Complimentary

Term: July 1 of the Current Year - June 30 of the Following Year

Join as Resident-in-Training (Year 2)

Resident-in-Training (Year 1)

Members-in-Training are medical students, residents, and pediatric radiology fellows who have applied for membership. Member-in-Training membership is effective immediately upon receipt of a complete application form indicating eligibility for membership in training status.

Annual Membership Fee: Complimentary

Term: July 1 of the Current Year - June 30 of the Following Year

Join as Resident-in-Training (Year 1)

Resident-in-Training (Intern)

Members-in-Training are medical students, residents, and pediatric radiology fellows who have applied for membership. Member-in-Training membership is effective immediately upon receipt of a complete application form indicating eligibility for membership in training status.

Annual Membership Fee: Complimentary

Term: July 1 of the Current Year - June 30 of the Following Year

Join as Resident-in-Training (Intern)

Medical Student

Members-in-Training are medical students, residents, and pediatric radiology fellows who have applied for membership. Member-in-Training membership is effective immediately upon receipt of a complete application form indicating eligibility for membership in training status.

Annual Membership Fee: Complimentary

Term: July 1 of the Current Year - June 30 of the Following Year

Join as Medical Student